Cody My house is located on Møn. It is a remote area with beautiful landscape. Unfortunately, there are some inconsiderate people who do not store pig waste proberly . This causes funny smell sometime, the neighbors tried to write to the government to make them stop doing that but there was no proof of showing when and how intensive was the smell. This is why I come up with the idea of detecting volatile organic compoundsin the air. This application is able to measure different elements in the environment: temperature, humidity, air quality and pressure. Gas sensor data is collected from BME680 sensor and stored in the cloud database.

Cody 2022 is a year we will try to forget. I remember at the beginning of the year, when the covid was over. Everyone was excited, the economy was opening, we could travel to the other side of the globe again. And everyone knows what happened in March 2022. It has caused energy crisis in Europe, electricity is more than 10 times expensive than the covid time (2020). Everyone was in rush looking for more sustainable energy, and I am no different. This project is to get energy from the sun, charge battery, run few small devices like robot lawn mower, surveilance and sensors. It can also monitor battery, power consumption, PV and control battery based on nordpool price in the future (maybe). I started the project from July, it's been more than 3 months but it's not finished yet. There are so many things to consider. This is a long post and will continue updating.